Ideas worth spreading

Selected Talks

I am devoted to sharing my knowledge through talks to help and learn from others. It's all about our human nature of wanting to connect and collaborate with others.

Discussing Scaling Machine Learning at ScaledML as One of the Panelists

Netflix’s Recommendation ML Pipeline using Apache Spark

Distributed Time Travel for Feature Generation

Distributed Time Travel for Feature Generation

Large-Scale Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models

Lambda Architecture with Apache Spark

  • Next.ML Conference at Galvanize, San Francisco, CA on Jan. 17th, 2015
  • [SlideShare]

Large-Scale Machine Learning with Apache Spark

Alpine Invovation to Spark

  • Cloudera & Alpine Data Labs Meetup at Cloudera, Palo Alto, CA on Aug. 14th, 2014
  • [SlideShare]

Multinomial Logistic Regression with Apache Spark

Multinomial Logistic Regression with Apache Spark